Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Journey

*p.s : Please click on the image in order to read the message...


joshyeah said...

nice drawings, but my most favourite is your heart to God.....freely expreseed......impressive and keep on to walk with God!!

sEnGz said...

Now I know whats the use of the scanner at your workplace. Hehehe...
Nice drawings. Very expressive and brings the message clearly...

Hydrangea said...

Thanks for support!

Anonymous said...

"I was Bright!" (Ariel Saw, 2008)

hahahahaha...ok you are you are..
and i like the one that your head got into the toilet bowl. How come i never heard of stories like that. U really did put ur head into the toilet bowl to search for the dog u flushed away?

ok serious stuff...truly walking with God is a journey whereby we will never stop learning..and salvation is a process and not stagnant..He is truly the ONLY ONE that can fill the gap and hole in our human or materials can fill...and i am really really really happy that you are in this journey with me...and have been walking strongly for so many years now...even in the midst of all the difficult situations and conditions we are in. Let's continue to strengthen one another and continue having divine encounter with Him k? Love you!

Hydrangea said...

oh dear hazel,

I am truly thankful to have u with me in this journey too..

So no matter what happen, I'll stand by u to pull u up and I'm sure you will do the same right?
Thanks for being there and u hav no idea how important ur comment meant to me.
